Walking in Williamsburg
Walking in Williamsburg
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A book of poetry. Many of us have sacred places that we return to throughout our lives that serve as both anchors and crucibles. Some that exist physically and some that are forever etched in our minds. Sacred places, that both form our foundation of self while also helping us burn off the non-essential baggage we accumulate in life that may be holding us back, or is of limited or no value to us.
A native Virginian, Gray was born in Williamsburg as his father graduated from William and Mary(W&M) and his mother graduated from nursing school at Richmond Professional Institute (a division of Virginia Commonwealth University. Following college graduation Gray began a 25+ year executive career at Procter and Gamble. In 2005, he founded Three Strands Management, a full-service consultant firm providing a broad range of services to start-ups, mid-size and Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. and globally.