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Iain M. Lowe (Author) See More
Christopher J. Lowe (Author) See More
David Joy (Author) See More



Regular price $37.00 USD
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Iain Lowe Photography
11 X 8.75 in
176 pg

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This book is unashamedly designed to brighten your day; to re-kindle happy memories of previous trips or maintain your desire to visit Scotland with club and ball. We strive to showcase the selected fourteen links courses, from the air and ground, in a way that is interesting and captivating. The low sun aiding the understanding of the golfing challenge and the beauty of the location.
Then there is the history. For this we look back over some six hundred years with brief observations of the key occurrences and greatest influencers and players to have walked these links. All of this supported by hand-drawn illustrations, an artform that we believe is far better than photography when reflecting on the goliaths of our game.
To these players we will devote more attention, bigger illustrations and commentary to explain their status in the book.
Iain M. Lowe Christopher J. Lowe David Joy
Author Bio

With over fifty years’ experience of image making, from the ground and air, and twenty five years shooting Scottish golf courses, Lowe has brought all of this experience to bear in this book, Scotland: Home of Golf. From the old days of hiking around carrying bulky cameras, multiple lenses, dozens of rolls of film and a tripod, he has embraced the move to digital, drones and Photoshop. The ambition is always to improve on the quality of the image, regardless how many visits it takes. He has now published nine different golf book with two of them requiring re-prints.
Christopher J. Lowe has twenty five years’ experience in the family business. From his earliest teens going out on photography shoots in the evenings, at weekends and during holidays, to a university degree in graphic reproduction. He formally joined the business in 2006 and immediately transformed it with the creation of a digital film library and web site. Taking further steps to bring large format printing in-house and qualifying the business for commercial drone work. This is his fourth book title
David Joy is a fourth generation St Andrean whose love and knowledge of golf and the town is only matched by his skill as an artist, illustrator, playwright and actor. Known around the world for his compelling and accurate portrayal of Old Tom, he brings a lifetime’s experience and understanding to bear in this historical text and his illustrations. His forthcoming book The Joy of Golf is due for publication in the next two years.