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David Meyer (Author) See More
Mark Hill (Illustrator) See More

Five Minutes from a Meltdown

Five Minutes from a Meltdown

Regular price $10.49 USD
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Yorkshire Publishing
REGIONS: *North America,*Commonwealth,*Europe,Afg
7 X 7 in
96 pg

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A hilarious comedic poetry and cartoon collection from screenwriter David Meyer and cartoonist Mark Hill.

If laughter is the best medicine, call this book penicillin.

Get ready to laugh out loud with this collection of awkward encounters, groan-worthy puns, clever turns of phrase, and hilarious cartoons. Through David Meyer’s perspective, the world becomes a place of laughter and idiosyncrasies. This collection of quick-witted, quick reads can be devoured in a single sitting or at a poem-a-day quota (to keep the doctor away).

The book is a perfect gift for a friend who likes to laugh, an enemy who hates to laugh, or a family member who needs a laugh (and to pay you back that money they borrowed).

Put it on your coffee table to be lovingly stained with hors d’oeuvres and good memories, on your bedside table to ward off nightmares, or perhaps in your bathroom, as everyone loves reading a book that other people on the toilet have been touching for years.

However you read, this comedic collection is sure to please.

David Meyer Mark Hill
Author Bio

David Meyer is an aspiring adult and a proud Chicagoan from the suburb of Deerfield. Beloved by most, he grew up writing short stories, poetry, and books, mainly for his parents. Dedicated to having the most interesting obituary possible (eventually), David strives to accrue life experiences, and he believes sharing stories and laughter is what life is all about. David currently lives in Los Angeles with his loving TV. He is probably looking for his next writing gig at this very moment. David also loves talking about himself in the third person. David can be reached at

Mark Hill's work has appeared in The Atlantic, Forbes, and Wall Street Journal, and in ads for Fidelity Investments, Google, Intel, McDonald’s, Ralph Lauren, and Time Warner. He has illustrated books published by Penguin/Random House, Macmillan, McGraw-Hill, Pearson, Wiley, and Harvard Business Review Press, including several bestsellers.