Charlie Chaloosy Refuses to Snoozy
Charlie Chaloosy Refuses to Snoozy
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In the second installment in the Charlie Chaloosy series, Charlie Chaloosy Refuses to Snoozy, Charlie refuses to nap. But, without napping, he realizes he misses dreaming. Charlie makes peace with naptime, and his fanciful adventures return when he sleeps.
Children are invited to draw and color their own dream adventures in the back two pages of the book.
My passion for children's literature stems from 30+ years in education and my re-entry into bedtime stories with the addition of my beautiful grandchildren. I created Charlie as a means for children to learn with Charlie by having a growth mindset when it comes to facing new experiences and learning new things. Children live in a world that is traveling ever faster and my desire is to help them slow down and enjoy childhood through the adventures of CharlieChaloosy. I hope children have fun with Charlie while engaging their minds through stories that encourage them to read, write, illustrate, and dream a little.