Michael Chinnici

Michael Chinnici is a New York-based documentary photographer, creative director, designer, and

author. He has traveled the world photographing people, street, architecture, landscapes,

motorsports, aerial, and fashion. He enjoys the challenges that various photographic disciplines

present. Michael is the Founder and CEO of Photo Workshop Adventures, a premier photo tour

company offering over 150 photo-centric cultural adventures in over 50 countries. He loves sharing

his photography experiences and is a frequent speaker at events where he discusses his “Evoking

Emotion” and “The Art of Seeing” approaches to photography.

Michael is the author of the beautifully curated, large-format photo storytelling book titled Vanishing

Cuba. This limited edition 348-page book includes a stunning collection of over 300 photographs

and stories from Michael’s 24 trips to Cuba. The collection depicts the changes Cuba is facing as it

emerges from more than 60 years of isolation and decay. Michael’s trips to Cuba have yielded tens

of thousands of photographs, thought-provoking and emotional stories, and created lifelong

friendships. Vanishing Cuba is about capturing the ‘Soul of Cuba’, and Michael’s love affair with

Cuba and the Cuban people comes through in this compelling and beautifully produced book,

handcrafted in Italy.

The book is available in a “Silver Edition,” “Deluxe Edition,” and the collector series “Reserve

Edition”—limited to just 300 copies.

Currently, Michael is pursuing several ongoing personal projects, including a Vanishing India photo

book to be produced in 2023.

Michael was introduced to photography by his father at the tender age of 11. Using his dad’s

WWII-era Argus C3 and a basement darkroom, he began his lifelong love affair with photography.

Although Michael spent the early years of his career in marketing and design (heading up his own

New York City Ad Agency), he founded New York’s first digital photography studio “Icon Digital” in

1995. He is the father of two girls and two boys, one of whom is a cinematographer.

When Michael isn’t on assignment, in the studio, or on a global adventure, he can be found

traveling the world searching for unique photo opportunities, exceptional hotels, and amazing


As a documentary and travel photographer, I enjoy the best of both worlds. I love documenting

and learning about different cultures, all while traveling the globe. I am in search of authenticity,

beauty, and emotion. I try to blend all three of these to create images that truly “Evoke Emotion.”

I capture authenticity by blending into the environment and assimilating with those around me.

Make others feel comfortable in my presence. Get people around me to let their guard down. Invite

myself into their space without them even realizing it. It’s sort of like breaking the ice on a first date,

except this date might only last a few seconds or minutes, or however long it takes to get that

great shot.

I look for beauty, even if, on the surface, it doesn’t appear beautiful. Beauty is everywhere. You just

have to find it. I use natural light to enhance beauty. Light and shadow work together to create


Creating images that evoke emotion is always my goal. There is no recipe, no secret formula. Once

I’ve managed to find authenticity and beauty, I can create emotion. It’s important to create an

image that evokes a deeper meaning beyond the obvious visual.