Stories of Epic Adventure
Stories of Epic Adventure
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This is the first of the four-book series, Stories of Epic Adventure. Each story is conceived and designed with the following objectives in mind.
Primarily, to use the prospect of adventure to inspire children to lean into what we humans are built for. We are specifically equipped to explore this amazing creation that we are a part of. In our exploration, we will make new discoveries, and with our discoveries we will create new things.
These stories are also intended to inspire adults and children alike to enjoy and employ the art of imaginative storytelling.
The visual styling of the imagery and design is purposefully varied to create a sense of the unexpected, and to provide a good workout for our oft-atrophied imaginations. The vocabulary level of the narrative is intentionally above our target audience to provide the adult storytellers an opportunity to educate – and the children to learn – while having fun together.
Book one sets the stage and wets the whistle for adventure with a veritable charcuterie board of loosely connected visual vignettes illustrating potential moments of a day in a life.
Kurt Kreiger is a storyteller and artist on pilgrimage in the Evergreen State of the Pacific Northwest. His immersive illustrations and novel narratives weave tales that inspire exploration, discovery, and creativity. He invites his readers on extraordinary journeys through vibrant worlds where reality and imagination intersect. His adventures include a spectrum of intricate detail to sublime scale, spurring curiosity, surprise, and delight. Kreiger's storytelling blends wisdom with whimsy, resonating with audiences young and old. His tales foster an appetite for adventure, the wonder found in living wholeheartedly, and a love for the One who created it all.