On a Fallen Wave
On a Fallen Wave
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A rush from New York New Year's Eve parties to the Pacific coast, 'On a Fallen Wave' chronicles the journey into the psyche of the American mind. Visiting over 100 cities, this haiku anthology is worth revisiting every time, promising something new to the heart. It leaves an impression of forging West for good. The year was only just beginning. The haiku anthology represents the coalition of sound to chosen meter. The effectual break is in the pause over every breathtaking sight across America. Collectively, these poems entail a complete journey in the traditional fashion of haiku, encountering nature along the way. Nature is surprising to find in the city, though it invades from every Monarch butterfly to each new morning. An eventful year of fate and circumstance is how each new arrival unfolds. America is almost miniature under the microscope of these meticulous haiku.